(Webmaster’s Note: This project was cancelled August 7, 2017)
SCWN needs your expertise to finalize our latest project. As a leading information source for all things about Salt Creek, our group has the opportunity to create an informational map, highlighting all of the recreational access areas along the creek. This map would be used by outdoor enthusiasts who are looking to bike, hike, or access the creek itself using watercraft. The map would be available for sale via the SCWN web site and at other locations such as outdoor retail outlets.
The map would create a permanent funding mechanism for SCWN, allowing us to continue to provide information and programs for the benefit of the creek.
We are in need of interested parties that would form a committee to work toward that goal. We have already enlisted the services of an environmental consulting company that will create the map, once we gathered all the necessary data. We also have a graphics designer who has showed interest in creating the overall design. What we are missing is YOU. Once we get enough interested people we will hold an informational meeting to determine how to proceed.
Stan Zarnowiecki, Secretary
Salt Creek Watershed Network