Elk Grove Village Cleanup 2016

The function of Busse Dam is to regulate water levels on Salt Creek at all times so that when heavy rains occur, flooding can be alleviated.  With this in mind, a few days before the cleanup date Elk Grove Village officials contacted Busse Dam authorities to ensure that the dam would not release water while volunteers were in the creek.  Being in the middle of a stream with rising water is not good.

The day started with a little drizzle but the scouts from troops 95 and 41007 were on hand along with two other adults for the 34th cleanup in 22 years.  Seven scouts walked in the creek and picked up what little they could find. The two ladies on land probably found more trash along the banks than those in the water.  Because so little trash was found in the section of the creek we covered, the scoutmaster suggested that next year we should concentrate on a section of the creek further south, namely between Clearmont Drive and Devon Avenue, which has received little cleanup attention in the past.

The good news is that we are not finding as much trash as before.  And that means we can extend our efforts to new areas.

Nick Nikola