It’s always interesting and fun to go on the Salt Creek Cleanup. I first went in 6th grade and it was disheartening to see how much trash people threw into Salt Creek: bags, beer bottles, hockey pucks, cinder blocks, juice pouches, and iron rods were the most abundant. However, you also get that sense of gratefulness for the large creek wildlife community there. Tadpoles and trout would appear frequently if you knew where to look. And I do feel that 26 years of service has made a difference. My scoutmaster told me years ago the clean-up could take over 3 hours to complete because of how much trash was found. Yet this year we were done inside of 2 and a half and I found much less than I expected compared to 3 years ago. It’s these kind of things that make the difference for even the smallest communities. Looking forward to the 27th Annual Clean-Up next year!
Joey Torelli, Senior Patrol Leader of Troop 95